2002-03-19 - 7:35 a.m.

Pooping Candy Toy #2


Pooping Candy Toy #2

I'm an adult without children, but that doesn't stop me from liking or buying candy. Perhaps, I am a little out of touch with current trends in child marketing, but when did kids start liking scat?

This is the second pooping candy toy I've seen in 2 weeks. The first was the pooping chicken. Now, the pooping Dalmatian. These were not found in a hole-in-the-wall weird discontinued candy store. These were both purchased at Rite Aid. Perhaps the manufacturers didn't realize that candy coming out of a plastic animal's butt would be unappetizing. Perhaps it's not. Maybe with the advent of the 1993 children's book "Everyone Poops" and the 1997 "Perry Poops," kids have a new appreciation for bodily functions. But, should we convince them it's tasty?

I'm going to do a more extensive research on this topic and see if these 2 toys are just flukes. Or, maybe this just happens around Easter Time so parents can make their children feel as crappy about the holiday as they do? "Paint another fucking Easter egg, huh? Wait until you see what you get in your basket this year!"

If anyone has any leads on other pooping candy toys, please email me. I think this could be my PhD dissertation in Popular Culture.


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