2002-06-04 - 6:32 a.m.

The Spoils the Island of Misfit Toys



Oh, Stop Crying "Misfit" Doll

"I'm a little rag doll who just wants a friend. I think that will help my broken heart mend," she sings.

Just WHY is that ADORABLE little doll on the ISLAND OF MISFIT TOYS on claymation Xmas special RUDOLPH the red nosed REINDEER? She's cute, has no torn limbs and obviously has the best singing voice. In every VERSE, the PITIFUL doll must CONFESS (a.k.a. A.A. meeting) their DEFECT. Not the Dolly. Hmmmm. It got me to pondering.

Perhaps her owner did tire of her as all children tire of their toys at one point or other. Or an AFRICAN-AMERICAN child finally stood up for her CIVIL rights and demanded a more REPRESENTATIONAL toy she could RELATE to. But, that is really neither here nor there. It doesn't really matter HOW they got to the Island.

The question is WHY are they still on the island. The good King MOON RACER is not only royalty, but a SOCIAL WORKER, trying to find the residents homes. You would think that Dolly (and the jam squirt gun) would be the first ones off the island.

What is the one OBVIOUS, glaring point about the island? One FEMALE! I think that the DOLLY is a PROSTITUTE. Now, don't get me wrong. Prostitutes can be your FRIEND, they provide VALUABLE services, and I think prostitution should be LEGALIZED in the UNITED STATES. As my BRITISH mum used to say, "They're going go out and do it any way, at least the girls would have their SHOTS and CHECK UPS."

Now, there maybe other islands such as this, but we don't know, just as we don't know if there is INTELLIGENT life in OUTER SPACE. I surmise that for many years the MISFIT boys were spending their ALLOWANCES on TOOTSY rather than the OPPORTUNITIES that arose to get off them off that HELL HOLE of an island. Finally, someone, probably CHARLIE-IN-THE-BOX (obviously the dimmest light bulb there) said, "Hey, if we saved up our MONEY, we could go somewhere else, and get MORE whores and not always stand in line."

I am sure the JAM water gun pistol AGREED immediately.

So, now, the Dolly has ACTUALLY turned into a MISFIT toy. She was loved by EVERYONE, and now only loved by a few. (I think that COWBOY on a OSTRICH still visits occasionally.)

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