2002-05-29 - 9:54 a.m.

The Hungry Hanged



The Lunch of Reckoning

12 Hungry Men?

If you happen to be ARRESTED for a CRIME in the BIG EASY, there are a few AMENITIES that may ease the BURDENED for you and your LOVED ones. 

As you await your verdict from the very "WISE" and "INTELLIGENT" twelve who want to make a VOTE now so "we can get the HELL out of here!" Other thoughts and REVELATIONS:

  • "Where is the BAILIFF? I want to EAT!"

  • "I hope they don't order from that last place. That food sucked" 

  • "I just know she's GUILTY. You can tell just by looking at her." 

  • "And didn't even see her MAMA there."

  • "Didn't he say he took PROZAC at sometime. That shit make you CRAZY."

  • "I'm not going to start talking until my TUNA sandwich arrives.

  • "That old woman said there was a door there but there wasn't, so I don't know if I believe her." - "She still saw her beat him to DEATH - who care about no damn door."

  • "You never know about those LESBIAN."

  • "Are you done with the COMICS page yet?"*

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You and your family need some RELIEF. Just 2 blocks from the COURT house is the CAFE VERDICT. Here, you can get DINER style food at BLUE color prices. If you arrive at the cafe prior to the above mentioned SCENARIO, bail bondsmen surround the block. Unfortunately, the cafe is up for sale. I HOPE someone buys it MAINTAINS it. I believe this little RESTAURANT serves a VALUABLE purpose to our society to give one last reprieve with friends and family before re-entering the CHAMBERS of YO-YOs!

* These statements are based on real discussions and debates which occurred as a privileged member of juries.

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